Sign In To Become a God

Chapter 315: Mop up

These land fragments, like many human beings fighting in the Yanji Continent and countless alien races, have passed through countless years, and they have long had some default titles. The main land is naturally a land, and these land fragments are called ‘islands’.

For example, the mainland fragment No. 09 is called "Frost Island", and the land No. 05 is called "Mengchen Island."

The strong in the main continent are like clouds, and there are many immortal gods at the rank of prince, and there are even immortal gods of prince.

Many immortal gods who believe that they are not strong enough roam on the islands. Mengchen Island belongs to the larger island. There are many powerful aliens, but the immortal gods are almost all of the immortal army master level.

Of course there are also immortal gods, but Wang Yi didn\'t find it when he came here. After all, Mengchen Island said it was not big, and it was not too small to say it was small.

Mengchen Island, most of the area is covered with yellow gravel, when the wind blows, the sky is full of wind and sand, covering the sky, so it is called Mengchen Island.

In one of the caves tens of thousands of kilometers deep in the desolate desert, there is a palace standing, and an alien team is resting.

Petite, with black and white soft hair, big watery eyes, and two crystal dragon horns on his forehead, a cute life like a kitty sits on the first seat and licks two paws with a pink tongue from time to time.

It is an immortal god, and it is also the "Chi An Clan". This clan is also quite famous in the universe. It looks cute on the outside, but it is actually very scary.

In addition to the immortal gods of the "Red Annihilation", there are three other immortal immortals next to them, as well as nearly a hundred world masters.

"Haha, this time fighting on Mengchen Island for more than three hundred years, the harvest is good."

"After saving for so long, I can use my military merits to exchange for the mechanical weapon I want when I go back this time."

"Captain, when shall we go back?"

The "Red Dark" creature lying lazily on the black throne covered with unknown fur raised its eyelids and said lazily: "No hurry, we will continue to fight on Mengchen Island. After another 100 years, we will go back. ."

"We have to wait a hundred years..." Some strong aliens wanted to complain, but they didn\'t dare.

After all, he knew that although the captain of the Crimson Clan looked cute, he was actually grumpy, so he had better not arbitrarily contradict his decision.


At this moment, the Chi An clan who was lying lazily lying on the throne meowed, his limbs stood up from the throne, his hair was erected, and a pair of cat eyes showed a strong shock.

"The detection instrument, which has just detected 370 million kilometers to the north, has a powerful explosive response."

"Strength, reach the peak of the king?"

The shock in Chi An\'s eyes could no longer be concealed.

You know, this is just a piece of land on the periphery of the main continent, and there are very few immortals, and there are only a handful of them, absolute overlord-level figures.

Feng Wang peak?

It is almost invincible.

Of course, this is only the energy fluctuation detected. Maybe the opponent is using a mechanical weapon, a Zerg warrior legion, or other treasures, and the method is not strong in itself... but it is not something that this alien team can provoke.

"We are 370 million kilometers away from the explosion place? It\'s too close!" The Crimson Clan immortal had a spirit.

"team leader."

"What\'s wrong with you, what happened?"

Other immortal aliens were also taken aback by the captain\'s reaction.

The Immortal Clan Clan glared at them and let out a low growl. "Don\'t ask so much, get out of here now!"

This alien team fled in a panic by the explosion that Wang Yi made.

And at the same time escaping from this area, there are also several other alien teams that have detected this energy fluctuation.

And where the explosion was, Wang Yi was rushing to the interlayer of space, looking for the two immortal treasures of the fallen alien race.

As for the items of the alien army? Almost all were wiped out under the power of the big bang just now, and Wang Yi didn\'t bother to pay attention to these worthless items.

"found it."

The two monster races were immortal, and under the joint attack of the Zerg army just now, the divine body was annihilated and fallen, and even the armor was broken, but their world ring remained.

After all, the world ring is very important as a storage place, so the material used to make it is very strong and can withstand the attacks of the king. But such a small world ring requires very few materials, and ordinary immortal gods can easily afford it. .

Therefore, Wang Yi easily found the two world rings near the space mezzanine.

"call out!"

Wang Yi flew out of it, and the power of the world easily broke the mark left by the original owner and penetrated into the world ring.

"Oh, it\'s not bad. The treasures in the two rings together can be worth 30,000 or 40,000 yuan." After a while, Wang Yi smashed his mouth.

This wealth is of course not worth mentioning to Wang Yi, but how long did it take to look at it?

The stronger you are, the faster you can accumulate wealth.

"The military merits of the virtual space army system are judged to be... an immortal military master, 100 million military merits, an immortal military master high, 1 billion military merits, and other alien armies, which add up to 200 million military merits."

100 million military merits can be exchanged for 1,000 mixed yuan units, or equivalent virtual universe company points.

Wang Yi was all smiles.


Military merit.

Panel task progress.

Three-pronged approach.

One word, incense!

"Mengchen Island, but there are a lot of alien races, next time, just kill those alien teams that you encounter, anyway, the energy consumed by the Zerg Legion is not one-time, and can be quickly replenished."

If it is some treasures, or mechanical weapons, of course the energy issue needs to be considered.

But the Zerg Legion itself is composed of Zerg warriors, and it can restore energy by itself.

With a collective energy attack like just now, the Zerg Brood can perform ten times eight times at a time without panting.

"Detection equipment shields the whereabouts, hides in the past, and then uses the Zerg army to make a fatal blow!" Wang Yi\'s face was bright with a smile.

Although the Zerg Legion is powerful, it is still not his own trump card, so Wang Yi doesn\'t mind using it wildly when hunting.




This is the correct way to use the Zerg Legion.

Wang Yi gently praised himself.

Of course, the premise is that he has high-end detection equipment, otherwise he will be discovered by the other party far away, and the other party is prepared. When you see you summon the Zerg brood, there is no chance of sneak attack.

Therefore, to use this routine, high-end detection equipment and Zerg brood are indispensable.

In fact, the enslaved Zerg brood is still very rare in the universe.

On the contrary, there are many strong people enslaved by the Zerg mother emperor.

After all, the number of Zerg broods is too small, "Hu Yanfu" was lucky at the beginning, and was proficient in soul secrets, only to get a realm master-class Zerg brood.

In fact, there are too few master-class Zerg broods that have come to the battlefield outside the territory.

Wang Yi didn\'t care about revealing that he had a Zerg brood. Anyway, he was pretending to be a human being immortal. Although it is rare to have a Zerg brood, it is not a fuss.

Moreover, the Zerg Brood is not the top combat power in him.

"Let me see where the nearest alien team is...huh? Why did everyone run away?"

Through the detection equipment, Wang Yi could see that with him as the center, all alien races within a billion kilometers, including human teams, were moving quickly to the periphery.

They all seemed to be avoiding some terrible things. Although they couldn\'t detect Wang Yi, they were all frightened by the energy explosion.

The human team didn\'t know that it was made by its own side, and when it was detected, it would of course run with it for insurance.

Moreover, all parties communicated through the military, and the news spread rapidly. Some people who received notification from their allies might also stay away from this dangerous place for their own safety.

Wang Yi understood immediately when he thought about it.


Wang Yi showed a trace of hideousness.

"Did you run away?"

"From today, this pig farm will belong to me."

Wang Yihu entered the pig herd.


In the following time, Wang Yi frantically carried out hunting and raids on the "Mengchen Island."

Relying on the detection equipment to shield the detection signal, he sneaked to the side of the alien team without knowing it, and then released the "Zerg Legion" to directly join forces!

The terrible nakedness of the Zerg Legion appeared.

A combination of energy strikes, the beam of light penetrates everything, destroying the world.

Basically, with one shot, most immortal gods will fall, and there is no doubt that the immortal gods below will die.

It was a fluke to survive, the divine body was also severely damaged, and there was no one in ten strengths. Faced with Wang Yi\'s astonishing abnormality with the fast speed of the body, there was no possibility of survival.

The beam of light shines.

Death is coming.

Teams and legions of foreign races were harvested violently like grass and mustards.

With the mass destruction of the alien team, news about Wang Yi spread throughout the "Dust Island."

All alien races know that a terrifying human powerhouse has newly arrived on "Mengchen Island".

With a combined attack on the Zerg brood and extremely high-end detection equipment that can damage the peak of the king, no one can find his existence. When the Zerg army\'s combined attack appears, everything is too late and there is no escape.

The alien team on "Mengchen Island" began to panic.

In just one month, hundreds of alien teams, including legions, were in the hands of this human powerhouse.

Many aliens who felt that the "Mengchen Island" was no longer safe began to leave here one after another.

Of course, there are also those who don\'t believe in evil or are confident in their own strength, and feel that the human powerhouse with the Zerg brood can\'t deal with them.

The sky is full of wind and sand, and there is an alien military camp in an artificially excavated cave underground in a desolate desert.

There is a strange alien spaceship in the central area of ​​the barracks.

"My lord, this time we have gained a lot of military merits. If we continue at this rate, the adults will be able to gather enough military merits within a hundred years. When you go back, you will be directly absorbed into the ‘Clan Elders’ Association’!"

It looks like a tree, with vines hanging down his head, and his body is wearing emerald green armor. The tallest Nino, about 12 meters tall, smiled happily.

"Yes, although there are many troops and generals sent to the battlefield outside the territory of our clan, how many can survive on the battlefield outside the territory? Not to mention the sturdy warfare like an adult. After returning to the clan, the senior leaders in the clan will definitely treat the adults. Even more importantly, the day has come for the adults to stand up."

A smile appeared on the stiff face of the Nino tribe who was sitting at the head. "I, Kanlf, accidentally committed a serious crime and was targeted by an opponent, so I had to come to this foreign battlefield. After so many years of fighting, I can have today. I can\'t do without your help. After returning, with this military exploit, we must Being able to gain a firm foothold in the clan will make those who looked down upon us regret."

"My lord is right. We must go back gracefully and make those **** regret it."

Just when these aliens are happy to talk about the bright future after returning.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, a figure quietly emerged, revealing the figure of a black-haired boy in a dark red armor.

Under the dark and cold black mask, there are a pair of eyes without temperature.

Looking at the desert in the distance, it is as if you can see the underground caves through the sand.

"Nino... this is from the Zerg camp." A smile appeared on Wang Yi\'s face. "But you have no chance to go back, so stay here forever."


A huge Zerg brood appeared next to Wang Yi.

Subsequently, a large number of Zerg legions were released by the Zerg mother emperor.

The Zerg Legion is actually staying in the inner world of the Zerg Mother Emperor. Once it needs to fight, it can be released at any time.

Two million Zerg warriors, each of which is the pinnacle of the landlord. The hideous-looking tiger beetle Zergs and the front shadow Zergs, under the command of the Zerg mother emperor, quickly arrange formations like the most sophisticated machines, forming two huge **** with claws. The huge energy began to condense one by one.

"Master." Elizabeth\'s soft voice sounded.

"Let\'s get started." Wang Yi stood beside the Zerg brood with his hands on his back, looking into the desert that was about to usher in a devastating blow in the distance, with a glimmer of cold light streaming down his eyes.

"First formation, offense!"

The Zerg mother emperor immediately gave the order.

In the dense and overwhelming core of the entire Million Zerg Legion, the Zerg Brood separates millions of consciousnesses and controls all the Zerg warriors at the same time. At this time, it is natural that the millions of Zerg warriors are completely united.

I saw a huge energy ball appeared on the claws of every Zerg warrior, an energy ball, and the immortal powerhouse did not even despise it.

But if millions of them gather, even if Feng Wang Dianfeng is hit, he may fall.

A combined attack by a million masters of the Zerg race... that was already terrifying to the extreme.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"...

The endless ball of light flew out of the sky instantly, as if countless bolide stars across the sky, all began to converge gradually as they flew.

After flying 10,000 kilometers, it directly converged into a palpitating rainbow light, and the universe was extremely fragile in front of this rainbow light, and it continued to crumble and shatter.

The beam of light disappeared in the desert in the next instant.

And the second beam of light, with an interval of 0.1 seconds, also fell afterwards.

The sudden silence seemed to have passed for a long time, but in fact it was only a momentary matter.


A powerful explosion appeared in a barren desert. The surrounding space exploded directly, tearing apart huge gullies. Numerous space debris formed a torrent, and the powerful shock wave spread out in all directions, radiating millions of kilometers.

When encountering an attack by the beam of light from the Zerg Legion, the leader of the Nino tribe actually noticed it immediately.

But when it found out, it was too late.

He can only have time to collect his subordinates into the world ring. As for the other troops in the barracks? He can\'t care about! "The dazzling rainbow light that made the immortal gods feel palpitation, directly bombarded the strange creature spaceship.

In the next moment, the outer shell of the spacecraft that had reached class f was directly torn and shattered under the shock of terrible energy, and it melted directly like Shirayuki met a blazing flame.

The core compartment of the Nino clan\'s immortal craftsmanship is made of f9 metal. This sturdy core compartment forcibly carried the energy shock down, but cracks also appeared.


Most of the energy shock was blocked by the cabin, but a part of it directly hit the Nino Clan Immortal.


The immortal divine body of the Nino tribe was unsurprisingly shattered.

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