The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 117 - Bad Feeling.

Yang Dao and Lisa were both inside the study. Suddenly the bell rang. Lisa stood up to go outside and check when the boy said, "Wait."

Lisa gazed at him with a confused expression. Yang Dao stood up, he said, "You are not to come out or make a sound until I tell you to. I have a bad feeling." his warning shocked Lisa. She immediately became scared. She spoke in a hushed tone, "Should I call the mistress?"

The boy nodded as he walked out of the room, with cushioned step. He was heading to the cloakroom. In there, his handgun was kept. Yang Dao took the gun out, loaded a mag of bullets, and equipped a custom compensator. He did not want the whole building to echo with gunshots. 

He held the gun up and closed it to his chest. He looked through the gap in the door. There were some shadows, suddenly he heard a dull thump outside. The boy sensed his bad gut feeling vanishing, slowly opened the door. In front of him stood Ryu Jinshi, and a man was sprawled on the floor, blood pouring out of his throat. 

Yang Dao asked, "Mister Ryu."

Ryu Jinshi had his back towards him, hearing the call he turned around and said, "Young Master, the subordinate is late. I beg your pardon."

Yang Dao asked, "Who is this guy?"

Ryu Jinshi replied, "Yesterday, Drake Langdon\'s father put out a contract for your death with a bounty of 1 million crypto coins. The contract was open, yet because the amount was low, only killers in Jewel nation acted."

Yang Dao raised an eyebrow, "I am worth a million crypto coins? I don\'t know whether to laugh or to cry at this. Anyway, thank you. Would you like to come inside?"

Ryu Jinshi nodded with some hesitation. Then he said, "This place will be cleaned in a few minutes. I have placed some of my people in the community staff."

The boy nodded and walked inside. He said, "Lisa."

The girl walked out timidly. When she saw Ryu Jinshi standing behind Yang Dao. She let out a sigh of relief, walked up, and bowed to Ryu Jinshi as she called out, "Second Master."

Ryu Jinshi accepted the greeting with a nod. Yang Dao said, "Open up a guest room for Mister Ryu. He will be needing to clean up." with that said he walked into his study. Lisa nodded, led Ryu Jinshi to an unused room. This house had five bedrooms, one of them was used by Lisa at this moment, one was reserved for Feng Yuna and Yang Dao. 

She led the man to a room and told him that all the basic supplies are available inside. Ryu Jinshi was smelling like blood. Yang Dao was able to distinguish this smell, that is why he asked the former to come in and wash. 

While Ryu Jinshi was busy taking a shower, Yang Dao was immersed in his coding. The former came to Visit the latter in the study but when he watched how the young master was immersed in his work he returned to his room. 

None spoke till the evening when Lisa opened the door and found Feng Yun and Laohu Bai standing outside the house. Laohu Bai was holding a bag in her arms while Feng Yun came here right after the office. The first thing she asked after getting inside the house was, "Lisa, where is the young master?"

Lisa replied, "In the study, working. He did go out with a gun but master Jinshi arrived in time."

Laohu Bai asked, "You underestimate the young master a bit too much." she was not happy with Ryu Jinshi being late to cover for Young Master. He himself took over the job for his protection. Plus, her confidence was high in Yang Dao, that he would have been able to deal with the assailant.

Feng Yun raised her hand and said, "Xiao Bai, Lisa does not know about Young Master\'s capabilities. Lisa, you go prepare some tea for us."

Lisa bowed and went inside the kitchen, the two ladies made themselves comfortable in the living room. After a few minutes, Ryu Jinshi came out of his room. He was looking a lot different than his own self. His shallow beard was clean shaved, messy hair was neatly combed and he wore a set of a white t-shirt and lower. This guy did not like the plain and light colors. 

Laohu Bai lashed out as soon as the person fell in her sight, "Why were you late?"

Ryu Jinshi replied, "40 men infiltrated the community. Tracked them and killed them. So took time."

Feng Yun said, "Since you knew where they were going, you could have just waited with the young master?" her voice was doubtful. 

Laohu Bai shook her head, as she said, "You have forgotten your basics, Sister Yun. The more you let them clog up the more pressure you endure. Too much risk."

Suddenly the three heard a voice, "Since there is greater pressure then you can share the work."

The speaker was Yang Dao, he just took a break from his work and came out of the study room. Lisa came out of the kitchen pushing the trolley. Feng Yun asked, "Young Master, how would have you taken out the assailant?"

Yang Dao replied, "Guessing his stance three shots through the door. One at the face two at the torso. Also, he was a weak one, otherwise, he won\'t have rung the doorbell. Idiot."

Laohu Bai raised her eyebrows, she asked, "How would you execute it?"

The boy replied, "Rig the door with a C4 tripwire. Rig the elevator to break off the cables and fall as soon as the key card is scanned. Plant a claymore explosive device in front of the door. Not the big ones but small ones and set them into a formation. Chain blasts create panic, as soon as the target moves to a window, Sniper shot." his calm tone and words did not match with what he said, at all. 

Ryu Jinshi was surprised that his eyebrow was raised. Yang Dao\'s analysis was correct and on the point. He said, "Young Master, would you like to join an assassination firm?"

Laohu Bai and Feng Yun were shocked when they heard Yang Dao\'s analysis, but this time Ryu Jinshi almost made them face plant. Lisa felt as if she was dreaming. She pinched her thigh and she was shocked to find that the conversation at this moment was actually happening.

Feng Yun shook her head and said, "This is not happening. I refuse."

Laohu Bai said, "I will support whatever Young Master wants to do." her voice was calm. Ryu Jinshi was obviously in support of Yang Dao joining an association. 

Yang Dao replied, "What is the reason behind this proposal? I tell you that I only kill for my safety or the greater good. I do not kill innocents." he was curious about the reasons but not keen on joining. 

Ryu Jinshi said, "Only bad people put out the contracts, you can deem whether someone is innocent or kind in your eyes or not by the provided information. Rest assured the information is all provided by the association. They don\'t temper with it and they follow rules. You can keep your identity anonymous as well." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "That is only half the answer. I asked, Why do you want me to join?"

Ryu Jinshi said, "This way you can gain a lot of battle experience. Also, when you live on the edge. Your strength grows faster. We all have done this in the past." his voice and gaze did not waver at all.

Yang Dao hummed and then said, "I will think about it. Right Now, I am hungry. Let me call paradise hotel. We will try the roasted duck, tuna sashimi, and chocolate fudge brownie. As for appetizers, let me ask if they have that sweet and sour soup." he stood up and walked inside the study to place the order. 

Feng Yun said, "Lisa, you are smart enough to know what to hear and what to speak. Right?" her voice was low.

Lisa nodded and said, "I know, Miss." the former nodded and asked, "How do you find it here?"

The maid told her how she is unable to do any work. She also told her how she started learning things after the Young Master told her. Feng Yun smiled and supported her. Laohu Bai was the same. Only Ryu Jinshi sat down quietly. Yang Dao came out after placing the order, he said, "I will go to the gym for half an hour. You guys can stay here. Okay?"

The three people nodded. Yang Dao went inside his room, changed into sports attire, and walked out. Bade farewell to the crowd and went inside the elevator using the key card. Suddenly he frowned and muttered, "Similar feeling."

He did not waste time and quickly perceived the area around him.

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