The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 238 - Change.

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After Yang Dao won the first summit checkpoint, he and slowed down on the descent and met the team. Ray kept on drafting and Yang Dao rode in the middle of the formation. He held onto Felix beside him and rested his legs for a bit. Throughout the morning, he had yet to infuse the source energy in his body. 

He wanted to complete this on his own, and that is what he did. The teams moved forward and entered the highway. The highway was blocked for the event and it was a national holiday for the event. The four-lane highway had one lane reserved for the coach and emergency supply van, while the rest were open for the cyclists. 

The national university van was driven by Victor and Ayaka sat in the passenger seat with Talen, Kaya, and Lin sitting in the back with some first aid, spare parts. On the roof, three bikes were loaded, and two hung on the back. This was the basic luggage for all the teams. Kaya and Lin had the identity of the medical staff while Talen was the mechanic, and Victor was the driver while Ayaka was the coach. 

The other four were given a false identity by the Army in cooperation with Aislinn jasper, the principal of the college. She was also worried about something like the last time happening again, so she agreed to this proposal. The one who talked to her was old man Tiberius. When he found out that Yang Dao was a level four Elementalist he was depressed. After all, the man spent all his life to reach the realm where Yang Dao stood in his teenage. So after Laohu Bai interfered, he became normal. 


Ayaka waved her head when she saw the team coming over the highway. She had heard everything on the commentary broadcast on the radio. Icarus was drafting for the team as they were on the flats. He saw Ayaka and said, "Captain, the coach is waving." 

Thomas nodded and said, "Go over." The formation moved near the van and heard Ayaka say, "Good job. Try to maintain the lead but preserve your selves. Okay? Also, Dao, don\'t race at your best just now." 

Yang Dao nodded and the team once again distanced themselves from the van. They took a sip of water and kept on pedaling. The destination was Onyx city. They will have a night break only after 9. This was the rule. None of the riders could be on the road after 9 they all will have to either camp outside or sleep in the city in a hotel they had booked earlier. 


The event was seven days long and the riders would have to cross over three cities in one day if they hoped to have a chance at the final day. Every city has a different condition, a different scenery, a different terrain. The cycle of the time was ruthless. An average team can only ride two cities\' in a day. 

Yang Dao and the rest were playing above average and many people were eliminated. The rules of elimination were simple. On the first day, two hours behind the leaders will be defeated or disqualified. On the second day, it will be one and three-quarter hours. With each passing day, the time limit will decrease by a quarter of an hour. 

This rule can almost be called cruel, but it was to preserve riders from suffering long-lasting damage. You can race when you have life, but if you push yourself on and on you can have sequelae left on your body. 


Yang Dao and the rest were riding with one thing in their mind and that was to win. The vans were restricted to travel on the highway only and thus Laohu Bai had arranged for people to guard the boy in the city. 

Three days had passed and the national university had taken down fourteen checkpoints out of eighteen they had crossed. All the mountain and high climbing checkpoints were taken by Yang Dao. Ray had dedicated himself to the team. He would only draft and Yang Dao will take down the checkpoints. 

Ray was saving his energy for the last day and Yang Dao was not having a problem with this. he did not care for the glory much and just focused on his growth. However, at this moment his body was floating over the water in the swimming pool in a hotel. The water in the pool was cold and Yang Dao was using it as a treatment of his sore legs. 

Today he had come across a group of people who did not support him riding the black bike. Today, a few people holding banners shouted from the sidelines as he entered this place for the rest time. This thing did not affect him, but it was related to the Dao technologies, and what mattered to him the most was the fact that Feng Yun was also dragged into this so-called scandal. 

He did not like this thing one bit and was frowning. The team was heading toward bell city tomorrow morning. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by a loud splashing sound. The boy turned and found Sasha and Kiya had jumped into the pool wearing seriously enchanting swimsuits. 

Yang Dao was almost drawn in then with a sigh he calmed his mind and asked, "Why are you two people here?"

Kiya said after she popped her head from the water, "To check on a dead body floating in this pretty pool." she hid nothing in front of the boy even what was going in her heart. 

Sasha asked, "Are you worried about those haters?" she was much more sophisticated than the strawberry head. 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "I will change my bike tomorrow and show these people what I am." 

That said, he excused himself and stood up in the pool. His manly figure has ached in the minds of the two ladies. They blushed when they saw Yang Dao almost naked. Soon after rubbing himself dry, Yang Dao went back to his room. 

He called Ayaka on the way and asked her to prepare his bike. The reason was to achieve the same result as any other day. Takedown the checkpoint. Can he do that on a normal bike? Yes, he can. because till now he has not used the source energy. 

The night passed away with Yang Dao meditating on the floor. In the morning, he took a quick meal and set up his other bike downstairs. Today he was going to make the critics shut up. 

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