The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 1368: Overturning the Home Court Advantage

Chapter 1368: Overturning the Home Court Advantage

Translator: Sean88888 Editor: Elkassar1

“Of course, the opponents aren’t stupid. They won’t just let me escape from here, which means I have to do something to attract their attention first... hmm, from what I remember, that thing should be to my left!”

A series of ideas flashed quickly through Sheyan’s mind. He feinted a swing of the sword to ward off a surprise attack by Artemis, then dashed towards a rock platform to the side. His goal was the fake Keystone that had been sealed away!

That’s right. Although Sheyan’s sight was currently greatly affected, he still had his memory to rely on. He was almost certain that the object the enemies regarded as a priceless treasure would be kept there! He would strike where it hurt the enemies most!

Sheyan did not give two hoots about the crystal bottle protecting the Keystone. After all, in front of Evil Sword Apophis, all protections were merely paper tigers. At most, they were paper tigers made of thick cardboard.

He swung his sword down. Seeing the sword trace an arc through the air, Artemis and Gyan felt like the sword was slashing down at their hearts! It was heading for their weakness, their tender spot!

In his panic, Gyan threw out his shield again. This was his signature move, a skill he was incomparably familiar with, so he would never miss! If the sword kept swinging down, it would certainly hit the shield first.

Artemis had great understanding with him. Her body blurred like an eel pouncing on prey in water, and she appeared in front of the crystal bottle in the blink of an eye, almost like she had teleported there. She grabbed the bottle and quickly rolled away.

Sheyan suddenly smirked. Evil Sword Apophis melted into a mercury-like liquid, then took the shape of a pair of mining gloves, enclosing around Sheyan’s hands. Sheyan’s fists slammed into the ground!

The stone ground shattered and burst, leaving behind a large hole. Borrowing the powerful reaction force, Sheyan bounced into the air with a backward flip and landed nimbly. He stepped backwards with his back to the wall and re-entered the tunnel that he dug before to get into the cave.

Artemis and Gyan realised with a jolt that they had fallen for the enemy’s trick. An earth elemental had reacted quicker than them and had already chased after Sheyan. Sheyan endured a hit from the earth elemental to grab its arm, then flung it back into the cave. It almost slammed into Gyan who had come pursuing after him.

About five or six metres into the tunnel, the reflected light could no longer reach Sheyan’s eyes. His eyes were still sore and watery, and his vision blurry, but it was already much better than the situation before where he was as good as blind. That made his courage soar. With the weapon in his hand, his mind immediately gave birth to many vicious thoughts.

The first thing he did after he rushed out of the cave was to go to the cave entrance and gave the top of the entrance seven or eight punches in a row.

The gloves on his fists were mining gloves which were especially made to handle all kinds of rocks. The punches immediately triggered a huge landslide, burying the camouflage film so deep that it could no longer be seen.

This way, the despicable light reflection trap inside the cave immediately lost its effect. As long as Sheyan had his vision, he believed that he was strong enough to take on the tandem of Artemis and Gyan, even if they were a Temperer and an Awakener. He had nothing to fear!

But first, Sheyan must deal with the unending stream of earth elementals coming his way. These thick-skinned creatures could not feel any pain, and they would never turn back after locking on to the enemy. They were also immune to diseases, plus they could unleash the ‘Slow’ spell. They were truly very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, the ‘Slow’ effect could not stack. After all, the earth elementals could cast ‘Slow’ without using any MP, so if its effect could stack, they could just reduce the enemy’s speed by 100%. That would have been too big of a bug.

Seeing these monsters pouring out of the cave, Sheyan’s scowl deepened. He already had a plan in mind.

He actually rushed back into the cave, enduring the attacks from a few earth elementals while doing so. Because Sheyan had very high Physique and his innate ability had also weakened the negative status, the slowing effect did not work as well as intended. Artemis and Gyan were caught off guard and seemed to be flustered; they obviously did not expect Sheyan to return so soon.

Sheyan sprinted straight to the Wraith parked inside the cave.

Sheyan had long learned of the internal structure of the Terran space superiority fighter from Pontin, so he could dismantle it as skillfully as a butcher dismembering a cow. In just two to three seconds, Sheyan smashed the cockpit window and jumped into the cockpit of the Wraith. Although on the surface, the Wraith required fingerprint activation, activating the vehicle was actually no different from what was normally seen in movies, perhaps even simpler....

Sheyan ducked down to dodge Gyan’s long-range attack while pulling out two wires from the bottom, then twined the metallic parts of the wires together. He smashed his fist on the nearby optical computer, making it smoke. Then, he turned off two blue-coloured power switches.

For the finishing touch, he hastily adjusted the direction of the Wraith’s movement, then pushed the control lever so far forward that it touched the bottom. He pushed it so hard that it broke, so he simply slipped it into a slot and left it there. A light blue flame jet sprayed out of the rear propeller of the Wraith, and the space fighter started slowly moving towards the big mud pool where the earth elementals gather!

Artemis and Gyan paled. It was obviously too late to stop the Wraith’s advance. What else could they do now but run away?

Sheyan leaped out of the cockpit at once. While he was still in the air, he targeted an earth elemental near the exit and used ‘Hornrage’. He crossed the distance of 30 meters in the blink of an eye, then activated ‘Mind Transmission’ to teleport 30 meters further. He sprinted for a distance, threw himself forward, shrunk his body behind a rock and protected his head with his hands.

The Wraith rushed into the mud pool that was the earth elemental gathering spot and sunk into it as if it had dropped into a swamp. This behaviour of the Wraith greatly enraged the earth elementals. Like a swarm of killer bees whose hive had been destroyed, they pounced at the Wraith, wantonly ravaging the highly advanced war machine.

Under the continuous pounding of the earth elementals’ rock hard fists, the Wraith was soon ruined beyond recognition. The high-energy fuel inside started to leak. An earth elemental tyrannically tried to reach into the engine that was still operating. For the earth elemental, its arm was no different from a tool like a hoe or a hammer. It did not matter if it was destroyed; as long as the earth elemental had sufficient energy and soil, it could regenerate a new arm whenever it wanted!

The anticipated great explosion soon occurred!

The temperature spiked to beyond 5000 degrees Celcius in an instant thanks to the combination of the Wraith’s fuel and the sudden explosion of the Wraith’s engine. In a place like the cave, the air pressure at the core zone of the explosion had even reached 300 times the normal value!

Under such conditions, the energy reserves of the earth elemental gathering spot was naturally ignited too. With a dark flash of light, a terrible shock wave poured out in every direction. The superposition of the two explosions resulted in the collapse of the mountain range that the cave was located in. Stones weighing hundreds of tons were easily blown away. Where the earth elemental gathering spot was originally situated, a chasm 70-80 metres deep had appeared in the ground.

Gyan and Artemis could not react in time and were hurt by the aftershock. The jolt left them dizzy and confused. They had only just managed to collect themselves slightly when they saw the culprit, Sheyan, folding his arms in front of his chest and staring at their pathetic state with a warm smile.

Artemis was immediately enraged. She shouted, “Attack him, Gyan! The rest of our party will definitely turn back to check on us after such a huge commotion here. As long as we can hold on for a few minutes, he’ll have to run away like a beaten dog!”

Sheyan suddenly laughed. The sound was quite eerie. “Do you think I’ll give you a few minutes? So...naive!!!”

The word “naive” dragged on for quite a while. When the word ended, Artemis found that the man’s feet had dug deep into the ground all the way up to his shins, like he was a tree. Numerous terrifying cracks spread out from his feet and extended wildly towards Artemis, reaching her in no time at all!

A great sense of crisis rose in Artemis. With a shrill scream, a large number of white silky stripes appeared all over her body, as if she had suddenly turned into a huge cocoon.

The tendril-like cracks originating from Sheyan climbed onto the cocoon, and a bluish-green layer appeared on it. However, it did not seem to be able to harm Artemis who was hiding inside the cocoon. On the other hand, Gyan, though shining with a silver glow, turned stiff after coming into contact with the tendril-like cracks. A rough layer of bark started growing on his skin!

At that moment, Sheyan came running. He treaded so hard on the ground that the spots he stepped on broke into pieces, so he left a trail of flying rocks in his wake. With a flash of crimson, his sword stabbed into the silk cocoon produced by Artemis. A shrill cry of agony came from within, but when the cocoon was sliced open, Sheyan found to his surprise that the inside was empty!

That stunned Sheyan momentarily, but he immediately turned around and stabbed Gyan in the abdomen. Gyan let out a loud scream, but he still desperately attacked Sheyan back because Sheyan had attacked Artemis. His axe swung down on Sheyan’s head and left a bloody wound there, but Sheyan completely ignored the injury. He threw Gyan into the air, and several tendrils of the ‘Stairway of the Sun’ whipped Gyan hard!

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